[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces Update

Anna Ossowski ossanna16 at gmx.de
Tue Mar 15 07:30:51 EDT 2016

Good morning Kinga, Hobson, and Brandon!

I hope all of you are well! 
PyCon is approaching fast and will be here before we know it. We still have time to get things done and sorted out but I’d rather for us to get started early than to run out of time closer to the conference. 
I went ahead and wrote a blog post, some tweets, and a draft for an email we could use for reaching out to groups about hosting an open space. You can find the links to all documents in Trello. Please feel free to make suggestions for adjustments or additions.

The two big tasks which are still on our to-do list are creating a list of potential open space topics and reaching out to different groups. Kinga is going to tackle the list of topics. 
Hobson, do you think you could take on the task of creating a list of groups we should reach out to and maybe start reaching out to them closer to PyCon?

Brandon, we had discussed reaching out to everyone whose talk or tutorial didn’t get accepted and to encourage them to host an open space on that topic instead. Do you think this is a good idea or not? It would surely involve a lot of emails so I was wondering if you had a better idea :)

Brandon, I would also like to edit the open spaces page on the PyCon website. How do I do that?

Kinga, Hobson, and Brandon, if I forgot any tasks or you have anything else in mind which needs to be tackled, please add it to the Trello board so we know we need to plan in some time for it.

Thank you and have a great day!

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