[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces Update

Anna Ossowski ossanna16 at gmx.de
Tue Jan 26 18:59:01 EST 2016

Sounds good! 👍

> Am 27.01.2016 um 00:56 schrieb Hobson Lane <hobsonlane at gmail.com>:
> The twitter poll idea is a good one. We can show open space hosts how to [tweet a poll/question](https://blog.twitter.com/2015/introducing-twitter-polls <https://blog.twitter.com/2015/introducing-twitter-polls>) to the hashtag and that should give them enough feedback.
> --Hobson
> (503) 974-6274
> gh <https://github.com/hobson/> twtr <https://twitter.com/hobsonlane> li <https://www.linkedin.com/in/hobsonlane> g+ <http://plus.google.com/+HobsonLane/> so <http://stackoverflow.com/users/623735/hobs>
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 3:50 PM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de <mailto:ossanna16 at gmx.de>> wrote:
> Hey everyone!
> I just wanted to update you about a few things and recap some things we discussed to make sure we are all on the same page:
> * We will be using two boards for the Open Spaces sign up this year. This will give people the ability to plan a bit more (at least a day) ahead than they have been able to in the past.
> * In the past there was the possibility for certain groups/people to reserve an Open Spaces slot in advance before the board was officially up. This has lead to some confusion as sometimes the Open Spaces team forgot to actually mark these reserved times on the board which lead to some rooms and slots being double-booked. In order to prevent this from happening I decided it’s best not to do this this year.
> Brandon brought up that this could lead to some groups not being able to announce their Open Spaces ahead of time or not being able to reserve a slot they feel comfortable with. Ewa therefore suggested to add a „add your own time/room“ line to the bottom of the Open Spaces board for the first time this year, which I think is a brilliant idea and which I think will help accommodate „special wishes“ and also give people a little more freedom. Of course the slots there will be limited too but I think it’s worth a try. Last year we noticed for example that people were forming their own little Open Spaces at certain booths in the expo hall rather than using any of the Open Spaces rooms. In addition to that people will be able to sign up for the first day of Open Spaces starting the evening before at the opening reception.
> * Regarding the @pycon_events Twitter account and scheduling a tweet for each Open Space as a reminder to people, I still really like the idea in a way but I believe this would be quite the time commitment and also stressful and therefore I don’t think it’s feasible for us to do this this year and therefore would like to postpone the idea until next year. Instead I would like for us to encourage people to tweet about their Open Spaces like Hobson suggested using the hashtag #pyconopenspaces, which we will be promoting via blog posts, Twitter etc. and advertise/announce their own Open Spaces this way. By following the hashtag people interested in attending the Open Spaces will still be up-to-date.
> * We discussed the idea of creating some sort of poll to give people interested in organizing an Open Space the chance to ask the PyCon audience for feedback regarding whether their particular Open Space idea evokes enough interest. I’m not against the idea but I’m also not sure how we would pull this off and whether it would really be worth the effort. I wonder if we could also make use of Twitter for that and simply encourage people to tweet something like „Would anyone be interested in an Open Space on robotics? #pyconopenspaces“. Twitter is usually a great tool for generating feedback of all sorts so I’m pretty positive that this approach would work.
> I feel like we’re making a lot of great progress and gathering a lot of ideas and I would like to thank you all for participating in the discussions and keeping the ideas coming. As you may have noticed this year my personal goal for the Open Spaces is to get a feel for them, improve some things, but still make sure all of the ideas are feasible for us. Sometimes an idea sounds great in theory but in practice it doesn’t work out. I believe that after running the Open Spaces as a team for the first time this year we’ll have a much better idea of what it’s like and what we could do for next year so always keep in mind that if an idea is not being taken into account for this year, this doesn’t mean the idea is dead, it just means we will reassess it for next year :)
> Finally, I just wanted to inform you that I’m getting ready to travel to and speak at PyTennessee next weekend. I’ll be in the US February 4-19 and will be less available than I usually am so if it takes me longer to get back to you via email, please bear with me.
> Thank you and have a great week!
> Anna
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