[Pycon-openspaces] Next up

Brandon Rhodes pycon.brandon at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 17:29:32 EDT 2016

Thanks for writing up the blog post, Anna! I have just added you as an
author for the blog — would you mind pasting the text into Blogger, and
then I can publish it later this week?

The only paragraph I have a question about is the one about emailing to
reserve a space. The blog post would read more positively and smoothly, as
it talks about what we *are* doing with open spaces, if it did not stop to
say something that we are *not* doing with them. I suspect that we can just
leave that paragraph out? That way, the post would focus on what open
spaces are, what they do, and how to sign up, without any distractions
about how things used to be.

(But: have you been getting lots of emails asking to sign up an open space
ahead of time? How many? It would be worth leaving the paragraph in if you
are getting lots of emails and the blog post could maybe cut down on the
number that you have to answer in the future!)

Thanks again for writing it up!

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hey everyone!
> PyCon is now only a little more than a month away, it’s crazy how time
> flies :)
> We have a few more things to do before PyCon and I just wanted to check in
> with everyone to see how things were going.
> Brandon, I wrote this blog post
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1262fTqWUTyGGfybVsoSFQj3fo2pyMxUV-GZ_dQkED4E/edit
> and a couple of tweets
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/17DcNG-AJD0hsODHfMQBn3GdNCIsPvVNFigkYz7X0jOs/edit.
> When do you think would be a good time for the blog post to go up? Would
> you mind publishing the blog post and the tweets for us or is there a way
> for us to get access to the PyCon blog and Twitter accounts?
> Hobson, how are you doing regarding contacting people/groups and
> encouraging them to facilitate an open space? I think it would be great if
> we could get those emails out by mid-May. I will start traveling May 12th
> and I would feel much better starting my travels for OSCON and PyCon if I
> knew all of our open space prep is done :)
> Please let Kinga and I know if you need help with anything. Kinga did a
> great job compiling a list of topic suggestions, which I added to the PyCon
> website https://us.pycon.org/2016/events/open-spaces/.
> Kinga and Hobson, I think it would be great if we met on Sunday, May 29th
> (maybe in the late afternoon, right before the opening reception) to have a
> little „briefing“ in person to discuss the upcoming days of open spaces and
> anything else that may be relevant. The date is totally flexible. Saturday
> afternoon/evening may work as well and I promise it won’t take long. Kinga
> is flying in Saturday morning and I will fly in Saturday afternoon. I just
> wanted to bring this up so both of you can mark your calendars :)
> We will have to put the open spaces boards up at 7am every morning. Kinga
> and I discussed taking turns so each one of us would only have to be there
> so early once instead of all 3 days. We also discussed putting one person
> in charge for each day, meaning one person would monitor the board for day
> one, a second person would take day two, etc. What are your thoughts on
> this?
> Warm regards,
> Anna
> ---------------------------------
> You are appreciated.
> You are enough.
> You matter.
> You are not alone.
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Brandon Rhodes
PyCon 2016 Conference Chair
pycon.brandon at gmail.com
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