[Pycon-mobile-guide] Fwd: Re: [Guidebook] Update: Intro to Guide Building Team!

Felix Crux felixc at felixcrux.com
Sun May 1 19:29:08 EDT 2016

Just forwarding my latest data export email to the list to keep everyone
in the loop; but without the actual data attachment so the list actually
accepts it instead of bouncing it back for being too large.

----- Forwarded message from Felix Crux <felixc at felixcrux.com> -----

Date: Sun, 1 May 2016 19:27:05 -0400
From: Felix Crux <felixc at felixcrux.com>
To: Guidebook <builders+id26702 at guidebook.zendesk.com>
Cc: Katie Herrgesell <kherrgesell at guidebook.com>
Subject: Re: [Guidebook] Update: Intro to Guide Building Team!

Thanks Carmen! I haven't had a chance to check it all out in depth yet, but
what I've seen so far looks good!

I've just run another data export to make sure we've got all the latest
content. I've attached it to this email.

The changes relative to last export (2016-04-13) are:
* Removed poster "Statistical Machine Translation with NLTK (Reloaded)".
* Removed poster "The Art of Turtle Programming".
* Updated info for sponsor tutorial "IBM: Hands-on session:
  Developing analytic applications using Apache Spark™ and Python".
* New sponsor tutorial: "Heroku 101: Deploying Python Web Applications".
* Updated speaker name for talk "Diff It To Dig It".
* Updated description for talk "Prototyping New APIs with Flask".
* Updated description for tutorial " Efficient Python for High-Performance
  Parallel Computing".
* Removed speaker Al Sweigart.
* Removed speaker Liling  Tan.
* Updated bio for speaker Anton Malakhov.
* Updated bio for speaker Russia Madden.
* New sponsor tutorial speaker bio for David Taieb.
* Changed name for speaker Sep Ehr (to Seperman).
* New Coffee Sponsor "Indeed Prime".
* Changed Gold sponsor "Venmo" to "Venmo / Braintree".
* New Job Fair Sponsor "Amazon Web Services".
* New Job Fair Sponsor "Virtustream".
* Updated description for Keystone Sponsor "Heroku".
* New Platinum sponsor "New Relic".
* Updated description for Silver Sponsor "CrossCompute".

Phew! That list is longer than I expected; but most of the changes in it
are pretty small.

Thanks again for getting all the content in so we can preview it. I'll try
to confirm this week (or at the latest next weekend) that those empty files
are meant to be that way and let you know.

All the best,


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