[Pycon-mobile-guide] [Guidebook] Update: Intro to Guide Building Team!

Ewa Jodlowska ewa at python.org
Mon Apr 25 15:09:48 EDT 2016

Hi Carmen,

Thank you for working on this. I have an account on
https://gears.guidebook.com/ and so does Felix. Mine is under ewa at python.org
and I believe Felix's is under felixc at felixcrux.com.

Best regards,

Director of Operations
Python Software Foundation
Cell: 415-319-5237

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Carmen Kuncz (Guidebook) <
builders at guidebook.zendesk.com> wrote:

> ##- Please type your reply above this line -##
> You are registered as a CC on this help desk request (
> support.guidebook.com/hc/requests/26702).
> Reply to this email to add a comment to the request.
> Other ccs: Felix Crux, Katie Herrgesell, Pycon-mobile-guide
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Apr 22, 12:26 PM
> Hi Ewa and Felix,
> The guide has been update with all content sent with the exception of the
> "presentations" folder. I hope to have this last part of the guide done
> soon!
> Are either one of you familiar with Builder and or have an account within
> it?
> Please let me know so I can get you set up with how to preview the guide!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Apr 21, 4:04 PM
> Hi Ewa,
> I am still working on the guide. There is a mix of last year and this
> year's stuff on it. I will work on trying to get you access to the guide
> tomorrow!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Ewa Jodlow]
> *Ewa Jodlowska*
> Apr 21, 7:55 AM
> Hi Carmen,
> Can we access our guide in gears yet? I would love to be able to access to
> Guidebook promotional material as I am working on printing signs for our
> conference this week.
> Best regards,
> Ewa
> Director of Operations
> Python Software Foundation
> Cell: 415-319-5237
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Apr 14, 12:10 PM
> Hi Felix,
> Thank you so much for getting this back to me! I am going to start
> uploading this content! I hope a preview will be available for you within
> the next couple days! I will keep you updated on my progress and let you
> know if I run into any problems with the HTML!
> Thanks again!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Felix Crux]
> *Felix Crux*
> Apr 13, 5:24 PM
> All right; that should do it! Attached is the latest version of the data.
> The most notable change is of course that all the Markdown has been
> converted
> to HTML. There are a few other things included too:
> * New posters: "Building Python with Gradle" and "The Breathing Earth"
> * New bios: Gina Schmalzle and Stephen Holsapple
> * New sponsor: Heroku
> * Updated sponsor logos for Clover Health, PDT, and Keystone
> * Several updated talk descriptions and speaker bios
> How does it look? Let me know if any of the formatting is causing trouble,
> and
> I'd be happy to tweak it some more. Approximately when could we start
> playing
> around with a preview of the guide? Thanks!
> --
> Felix
> Attachment(s)
> pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip
> <https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/vTYger3KM5atGgaGyejyfxn1z/?name=pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip>
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Apr 11, 5:21 PM
> Hi Felix,
> Great thank you so much! I very much appreciate it. I just had a
> conversation with my manager about the html tags and he warned me that
> italics and u are currently not working on our software.
> Sorry for the conflicting information! Thank you!
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Felix Crux]
> *Felix Crux*
> Apr 11, 5:11 PM
> That sounds great; thank you for the info! That's pretty much all the kinds
> of formatting Markdown has, so that makes things much easier. I'll work on
> this over the next few evenings and have an updated version for you later
> this week. Thanks for the help!
> --
> Felix
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Apr 11, 5:08 PM
> Hi Felix,
> I was not aware of Markdown. I also was misinformed about bold html. The
> following tags will work within our template: a, b, br, i, ul, li, p,
> h1-h6, span, <a>, <a href  & strong.
> I hope this clarifies everything! Please let me know if you have any other
> questions!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Felix Crux]
> *Felix Crux*
> Apr 11, 4:11 PM
> Sounds good; I'll switch all newlines to <br>s.
> The reason I ask about bold etc. is that currently all descriptions (talks,
> speakers, tutorials, all of them) are in a text-based format called
> Markdown
> (but I'd be happy to convert it to whatever works for you).
> Markdown looks very much like plain text (it's meant to), but it actually
> contains formatting instructions. For example, italics are denoted by
> surrounding text in asterisks *like this*, and **double asterisks** mean
> bold. There's also stuff like links, and headings, which look like:
> ### I'm a heading!
> You can see some examples of this in the tutorials_schedule.csv file. Check
> out the tutorial called "Making an Impact with Python Natural Language
> Processing Tools". You can see how it looks online here:
> https://us.pycon.org/2016/schedule/presentation/1778/
> Note how the description contains text like:
> ### Python Development Environment
> and how that becomes a headline on the web page. There are also links, like
> the one that reads: "[Python](http://python.org)". Finally, there's text
> that shows up in a fixed-width font using backticks (`), like `virtualenv`.
> Those examples would typically be translated into HTML tags like <h3>, <a>,
> and <pre> or <code>.
> If you can summarize for me what formatting exactly the app can handle, I
> can convert everything to use it. For things that aren't supported (like
> bold) I'll at least remove the extra stuff, so we don't get silly
> double-asterisks in the app text.
> Sorry for the mixup; I don't know what formatting the app can use, so I
> left
> everything in Markdown and mentioned it in the original email. I'd be happy
> to convert it to whatever works! Cheers,
> --
> Felix
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Apr 11, 12:17 PM
> Hi Felix,
> Great to hear! For line breaks please you <br> for single breaks and
> <br><br> for double.
> Unfortunately our software does not allow for us to included bolded
> formatting. However, I dont see any bolded text in the files you have sent
> me so far? I only see the need for line breaks?
> Once I have the updated materials (the schedule is complete so that is not
> necessary), the process for me uploaded the content shouldn't take very
> long!
> Thank you!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Felix Crux]
> *Felix Crux*
> Apr 11, 12:14 PM
> No problem; I'll get that to you ASAP. Would it be better to use line
> breaks (<br>) or paragraphs (<p>)? If it doesn't matter I'll likely go with
> paragraphs.
> What about other formatting, like Markdown headings; should they be turned
> into <h1>s etc? Bolded text that's currently **like this** into <strong> or
> <b>? Or is everything else fine?
> Cheers,
> --
> Felix
> --
> Felix
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Apr 11, 11:19 AM
> Hi Felix,
> I have been working on the guide but have run into a bit of a time
> consuming task. For our templates, in order to maintain the format we need
> to add html tags for the line breaks. Is there anyway for you to pull the
> descriptions, abstracts,presenter information, etc for each list with html
> tags? I just completed the schedule but it required me manually adding tags
> to each individual item description which is quite a time consuming task.
> I will continue to work on maintaining the format and I appreciate your
> patience. If there is anyway we can get the html format within the
> descriptions please let me know as this would be extraordinarily helpful.
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Felix Crux]
> *Felix Crux*
> Apr 10, 10:01 AM
> Hi again!
> Please find attached the latest version of the data for the guide.
> Is there an ETA on when we could start playing around with a rough draft?
> It
> would be helpful even if it's in an incomplete state, since it would let us
> figure out what we might be overlooking. Currently I don't see anything for
> this year when I log on to https://builder.guidebook.com/#/guides/.
> There are a number of changes in this version of the data:
> * New sponsors: Flowroute and Netflix.
> * Sponsor logo changed: House Canary.
> * New/updated sponsor tutorials.
> * Schedules now show actual room to be used, not just e.g. "Session A".
> * Speaker bios added/updated.
> Let me know if you need anything! Cheers,
> --
> Felix
> Attachment(s)
> pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip
> <https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/2uWGc5671n04hU0vFfPoILTm3/?name=pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip>
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Apr 4, 10:02 AM
> Hi Felix,
> Thank you for sending this along! I will take a look at everything and
> start working on inputing this information to the guide within the next few
> days!
> I will reach out if I have any questions!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Felix Crux]
> *Felix Crux*
> Apr 3, 7:01 PM
> Hi Carmen,
> Please find attached an initial attempt at bundling up all the content
> into a usable export. I hope it's workable enough to get things going,
> but I'll follow up shortly with whatever is else is needed.
> The attached zip file should contain comma-separated (.csv) files with
> the details of all the talks, speakers, etc. The first line of each file
> has headings describing what each column is. Note that some rows
> (particularly speaker bios and talk descriptions) contain embedded
> newlines, but all of those entries should additionally be enclosed in
> double quotation marks. The files are UTF-8 encoded, and several of the
> speakers do have names containing non-ASCII characters like 'Ł', 'é',
> etc, so that's worth watching out for. There are also logo images for
> all the sponsors in the zip file.
> *Talk descriptions are currently exported as raw, unprocessed,
> Markdown*. I'm not sure what kind of formatting Guidebook supports, so
> I've left that as-is for now. If there's something more useful I can
> convert it to, just let me know. I do think we'll want to figure out how
> to process that formatting and get it reflected in the app, though.
> There's currently nothing in the data export that *links speakers to
> their talks*, which I know the app can do. If there's some data format
> that can be bulk-imported to your systems to get that automatically,
> just let me know and I'd be happy to work on it. In previous years,
> however, we just linked them up manually.
> Please don't hesitate to *let me know if there's any way I can process
> or rework the data* to make it easier for you/your tools to work with --
> the nice thing about being a programming conference is we're generally
> happy to build our own tools to make things simpler! I would much rather
> put in the work on my end to automate whatever data processing you need
> to make it possible to bulk-upload changes, instead of having you or me
> need to go in and fix things manually one-by-one.
> At present, this is the* list of issues/missing data *that I'm aware of
> and am working on:
> * Keynote speakers are not included in the speaker bios.
> * Plenary sessions (e.g. keynotes, opening remarks) are just listed as
> "plenary" with no description in the schedule.
> * Special events (e.g. PyLadies auction, 5K run, dinners) are not
> included in the schedule (special_events_schedule.csv is empty).
> * Meals/breaks show up once per track/room, but they really should just
> be listed once.
> * "Special" pages such as venue information, code of conduct, etc. may
> need to be input manually - I don't mind doing it.
> * Speaker photos are not included (maybe that's OK -- we didn't have
> them last year either).
> * As mentioned earlier, some text is in raw Markdown; and I don't know
> if that's a format Guidebook can ingest.
> * Floor plan map is on its way, and we'll need to link talks to the room
> they're in.
> * Some general information still TBD; I will get it to you ASAP
> (see below).
> Finally, here's the *info your requested in in the Guide Basics
> spreadsheet*:
> Guide Name: PyCon 2016
> Guide Start Date: 2016-05-28
> Guide End Date: 2016-06-05
> Timezone: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) (UTC -7)
> General Information, Venue, Icon, Cover Image, Maps: I will get these to
> you ASAP, or just fill them in myself and let you know.
> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/us.pycon.org
> Twitter: https://twitter.com/pycon
> YouTube: Not set up yet, will let you know
> Photos: No (I think, for now at least)
> RSS Feed: http://pycon.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
> Homepage: https://us.pycon.org/2016/
> Feedback/Surveys: I believe we'll use this, but I don't think the survey
> has been designed yet. Will get it to you.
> Notifications: Sure, let's have this.
> My Schedule: Definitely want this feature.
> Notes: Sounds good.
> Live polling: I don't think we'll use this.
> All right, I think that's most of it for now? Sorry for the enormous
> email; I'm trying to be very thorough both to keep everyone in the loop
> and to remind myself of exactly what work I still need to do!
> Again, please don't hesitate to let me know if I can change or process
> the data in any way to make it easier for you, or if anything in the
> export looks weird -- it's all automated, so it's entirely possible
> something broken snuck through without human review.
> Cheers; all the best!
> --
> Felix
> Attachment(s)
> pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip
> <https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/zBF5xbh7MnXVep59QaASzZqyp/?name=pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip>
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Mar 30, 12:18 PM
> Hi Ewa,
> No rush on getting the content to me! I just didn't want to miss a
> deadline for you! Please send me the content as you get it! Reach out if
> you have any questions!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Ewa Jodlow]
> *Ewa Jodlowska*
> Mar 30, 11:08 AM
> Hi Carmen,
> Thank you for checking in!
> I am not yet ready to start this yet. I will begin the process on Friday
> of this week and I will ping you if there are any questions.
> Best regards,
> Ewa
> Director of Operations
> Python Software Foundation
> Cell: 415-319-5237
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Mar 30, 11:00 AM
> Hi Ewa,
> Just checking in again to see if you have any guide content for me? I know
> we were initially shooting for an April 1st internal launch date!
> Please let me know!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Mar 21, 10:06 AM
> Hi Ewa,
> Just checking in to see if you have any content for me to start building
> your guide? Let me know, I am excited to get started on this!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Ewa Jodlow]
> *Ewa Jodlowska*
> Feb 17, 2:01 PM
> Yes, that is my cell phone number. Talk to you tomorrow!
> Best regards,
> Ewa
> Director of Operations
> Python Software Foundation
> Cell: 415-319-5237
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Feb 17, 1:58 PM
> Hi Ewa,
> 1 PM PST tomorrow will work great! Can I call you on the cell phone number
> you have listed below? If not please let me know which number is best to
> reach you at!
> Looking forward to our call!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Ewa Jodlow]
> *Ewa Jodlowska*
> Feb 17, 1:50 PM
> Hi Carmen,
> Let's chat at 1pm PT tomorrow.
> Have a good afternoon!
> Best regards,
> Ewa
> Director of Operations
> Python Software Foundation
> Cell: 415-319-5237
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Feb 17, 1:25 PM
> Hi Ewa,
> Are you possibly available tomorrow? I am free to speak anytime between 10
> AM PST to 4PM PST. Let me know!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> [image: Ewa Jodlow]
> *Ewa Jodlowska*
> Feb 17, 12:22 PM
> Hi Carmen,
> Are you available this afternoon? I am available any time now until about
> 4pm CT.
> Best regards,
> Ewa
> Director of Operations
> Python Software Foundation
> Cell: 415-319-5237
> [image: Carmen Kun]
> *Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
> Feb 17, 10:55 AM
> Hi Ewa,
> It's great to e-meet you! My name is Carmen, and I'll be working with you
> to create your guide. Lets start by scheduling a call to discuss your
> guide. This will help me get a good vision for your guide as well as to
> propose a tentative timeline for an on-time release! Please let me know
> your availability so we can schedule a time!
> I have attached a Guide Basics Spreadsheet (will appear as a link). Please
> take a brief look at it before our call!
> I'm very excited to get started! Let me know your availability and if you
> have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread (rather than creating
> a new ticket -- things can get messy rather fast). You can also call my
> direct extension at 650-319-7233 ext. 222. Thanks again, and I look
> forward to hearing back from you!
> Best,
> Carmen
> Carmen Kuncz
> Customer Success Associate
> Guidebook
> Attachment(s)
> Guide_Basics.xls
> <https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/Cpp6495RhyUf0XiLYDcLQL8hh/?name=Guide_Basics.xls>
> [image: Katie Herr]
> *Katie Herrgesell*
> Feb 17, 10:46 AM
> Hi Ewa,
> I would like to introduce you to our awesome guide building team! They are
> the experts that will handle the data entry for you, and will work to
> create an easy to use event guide. I have shared your event information
> with the customer success team, and someone will be contacting you within
> one business day to get started on your guide. Good luck!
> Best,
> Katie
> --
> Katie Herrgesell
> Sr. Corporate Account Manager
> Office: 650.319.7233 ext 126
> Mobile: 216.570.0531
> www.guidebook.com
> This email is a service from Guidebook. Delivered by Zendesk
> <http://www.zendesk.com>.
> [N2DQPZ-696N]
> _______________________________________________
> Pycon-mobile-guide mailing list
> Pycon-mobile-guide at python.org
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