[Pycon-mobile-guide] Items needed for mobile guide

Ewa Jodlowska ewa at python.org
Mon Apr 11 15:14:16 EDT 2016

Hi Felix -

You are amazing! I was going to send you a ping that we had added room
names to talks and tutorials but you spotted it on your own over the

On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Felix Crux <felixc at felixcrux.com> wrote:

> Hi Ewa et al.,
> Most of the stuff for the guide I can figure out, but there are a few
> items that I'll need from others. None are urgent. I think this is all of
> them:
> 1) Venue floor plan. I know you're already working on this since you
> mentioned it in a previous email, but I'm listing it here for completeness.

Yes and as soon as it is done, I will send it to you. It looks like
Guidebook will be able to add location markers for all of the talks and
sessions so then people can see a geo marks for the places they want to go.

> 2) Surveys. I believe there was a basic post-tutorial survey set up last
> year. We can re-use it or design a new one from scratch. We can have
> different ones for talks vs. tutorials, etc.

The survey data gathered through Guidebook was almost impossible to turn
into useful charts and graphs. It was only good for open ended questions.
Because of this, we will go back to SurveyMonkey for the surveys. Once
gears is setup, Betsy and I can go in and add in the survey links to help

> 3) YouTube page URL. I'm guessing this hasn't been set up yet, but it
> would be great if we could link to it before the conference, so people know
> where to check once videos start being uploaded.

I have asked David for a new URL and will send soon.

Thanks again for getting this all done.
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