[Pycon-announce] [PyCON-Organizers] A Few PyCon Matters

Napoleone, Doug Doug.Napoleone at nuance.com
Tue Mar 28 16:00:06 CEST 2006


(sorry, these were hastilly written)
1. 'E-Mail:' enter your e-mail and hit submit.
2. On the Edit profile page enter your name, postal code and counrty.
3. Add optional notes if you wish.
4. Interests:
_fine print which is extreemly hard to read on the page:_
Interests are much like Web 2.0 tags, except right now they only work under
Firefox. Type one-word interests and insert them into your profile with
"Enter", this shouldn't submit the actual form.
_more info:_
When typing an interest, known interests other people have entered will
appear below the interest input field. After hitting enter, set interests
will appear on the left below the optional 'Notes: field with a '(x)' link.
Clicking that link will remove that interest.
5. Hit submit to submot your profile and take you back to the main map,
centered on your pin.
6. Re-entering your e-mail address will bring you back to your profile for
further modification.

__Main Map__
You can browse around the map and on zoom, the number of people in that area
will be updated below the map. 
The list of interests can be used to filter all people who do not have that
interest (i.e. show all people who are interested in pypy).
Selecting a pin will bring up that persons name, note and interests.
Interests are clickable and are the equivolent to making that selection in
the Interest pulldown.

Not sure what Brett is up to, I haven't heard from him sence the Con. The
app needs work, and we are looking for people to work on it. I will be
sending out information on doing remote django development tomorrow. Caveat:
remote maps development is broken.


-----Original Message-----
From: pycon-organizers-bounces at python.org
To: Jeff Rush
Cc: 'pycon-organizers at python.org'; pycon-announce at python.org;
pycon-attendees at python.org
Sent: 3/28/2006 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: [PyCON-Organizers] [Pycon-announce] A Few PyCon Matters

In a message of Mon, 27 Mar 2006 15:54:40 MDT, Jeff Rush writes:
>Just a few items...
>1. We only have 95 pins so far.  Although the conference is over, you
>still place your pin on the PyCon map, by visiting:
>     http://us.pycon.org/apps/maps/

Are there instructions as to how one does this?

Laura Creighton
Pycon-organizers mailing list
Pycon-organizers at python.org

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