[Pycon-announce] CFP: PyCon 2006

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Thu Sep 29 20:04:51 CEST 2005

PyCon 2006 Call for Proposals

Want to share your expertise? PyCon 2006 is looking for proposals to
fill the formal presentation tracks.  PyCon 2006 will be held
February 24-26 2006 in Addison, Texas (near Dallas).

Previous PyCons have had a broad range of presentations, from reports
on academic and commercial projects to tutorials and case studies, and
we hope to continue that tradition this year.  As long as the
presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the Python
community, it will be considered for inclusion in the program.

For 2006, we're especially interested in tutorial presentations
that will teach conference-goers something new and useful.  Can you
show attendees how to: use a module?  explore a Python language
feature?  package an application?  

Important Dates

 * Submission deadline: October 31, 2005 
 * Acceptance deadline: November 15, 2005 
 * Electronic copy deadline: February 15, 2006

PyCon Topics

Suitable topics for PyCon presentations include, but are not limited

 * Core Python
 * Other implementations: Jython, IronPython, PyPy, and Stackless
 * Python libraries and extensions
 * Databases
 * Documentation
 * GUI Programming
 * Game Programming
 * Network Programming
 * Open Source Python projects
 * Packaging Issues
 * Programming Tools
 * Project Best Practices
 * Embedding and Extending
 * Science and Math
 * Web-based Systems

Submission Format

Proposals should be 250 to 1000 words long (i.e., one to four pages in
manuscript format), containing the following information:

 * Author name(s)
 * Contact Information
 * Requested timeslot (30 minutes, 45 minutes, or either)
 * Summary of proposed presentation
 * Presentation outline
 * Intended audience (non-programmers, beginning programmers, advanced users, 
   CPython developers, etc.)

ASCII format is preferred (plain or reST), with HTML as a secondary
alternative. If you have any queries about submission, or if you would
like to discuss the possibility of submitting in a different format or
style, please send mail to the conference organizers at
pycon at python.org.

Session lengths include time for audience questions.  You should
budget at least five minutes for questions; for example, a 30-minute
talk will be 25 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of questions.  

The preferred length for talks is 30 minutes.  You can request a
45-minute slot, but proposals requiring 45 minutes will be reviewed
more stringently and tutorial talks will be preferred for these longer

Submission Mechanics

Use the PyCon Online Proposal Submission <http://submit.python.org> to
send us your proposals and ideas. If your proposal is accepted, you
have the option of including a companion paper along with your
presentation. The paper will get published on the PyCon web site.

Presentations and papers may be in text (plain or reST), HTML, or PDF;
HTML or text are preferred.

We suggest, but do not require, that authors place their papers under
a Creative Commons license. Please visit the CC 'Choose a License'
page to select a license that meets your requirements. 

A Wiki page has suggestions and advice for speakers:

Other Presentations

If you don't want to make a formal presentation, you can still bring
your new project or idea to PyCon.

There will be several Lightning Talk sessions for talks no longer than
five minutes.

There will be a significant amount of Open Space for informal and
spur-of-the-moment presentations.  Open Space consists of
thirty-minute blocks that are allocated during PyCon. These blocks can
be used for presentations, round table discussions, hands-on
tutorials, or anything else. Typically, people propose ideas for the
sessions which are then voted on by attendees.

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