[PyAR2] Intro to CS Class

Chad Cooper chad at cast.uark.edu
Sat Mar 30 12:34:46 CET 2013

So is the first offering already over or are you stil teaching that? How
did it go - could you give us a brief overview? Some general

   - Google hangouts have a max of ten participants (
   - Does this pay? Would the 2nd person get paid for their time?
   - I think the guest lecturers is a good idea (not saying that me being
   one of them is necessarily that great of an idea though :) )


On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Greg Lindstrom <gslindstrom at gmail.com>wrote:

> I just got word that UCA would like me to give the Introduction to
> Computer Programming Using Python class again this Fall (community
> outreach)!  They also would like to know if (a) I would be willing to do a
> follow-up class and/or (b) consider offering the class over the Internet to
> reach out to other areas in Arkansas.  I'm interested in the Internet
> classes and told them we could start looking into the issues involved.  My
> thoughts are:
>    - It has to be interactive.  Could we set up a Google hangout (or
>    something similar)?
>    - I would want a 2nd person involved on my end to take questions, help
>    debug code, and assist.
>    - We would need much more extensive class notes.  I would still use
>    the "How To Think Like a Computer Scientist Using Python" book.
>    - I would like to have "guest lecturers" address the class (perhaps
>    via Skype) to give short presentations on various subjects.  Jesse Noller
>    indicated he would be interested in talking about "Community" (I hope that
>    offer would still stand, but I'd have to ask), maybe Jeff Rush on
>    Packaging, or even our very own Chad Cooper on GIS and/or PyArkansas.
> Would anyone else be interested in looking at either an Intermediate
> Python class?  Just saying that I think the interest is there.
> --greg
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