[PyAR2] Today is the last day to submit proposals for pyArkansas 2012

Chad Cooper chad at cast.uark.edu
Fri Oct 5 16:00:48 CEST 2012

Hey folks,

Today is the LAST DAY to submit talk and tutorial
proposals<http://www.pyarkansas.org/speaking/cfp/>for pyArkansas 2012,
to be held on Oct 27th at UCA, Conway. This year is
shaping up to be the biggest and baddest pyArkansas yet! We have 5 tutorial
and 19, yep 19, talk proposals <http://www.pyarkansas.org/proposals/> in
the system! We have more sponsors
<http://www.pyarkansas.org/sponsors/>than ever before, more attendees
(91 right now) than ever before, more swag
than ever before, and more prizes <http://www.pyarkansas.org/prizes/> than
ever before. Oh, and you get a t-shirt too, and it's all *FREE* - but you
gotta show up. If you haven't
please do so, as we cap out at 150 people. Hope to see you all soon.

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