[PyAR2] pyArkansas - 2 Weeks Out

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 14:42:04 CEST 2010

Good morning, everyone -

Before I get going (and forget), my employer -- Novsys Health -- has an
opening for an entry-level IT professional.  The position would involve
learning and running our claim adjudication software and running reports (as
well as working desktop support).  This would lead to helping us automate
our reports, which has a lot of very cool technology associated with it.  We
run Python/Linux/Postgres/Oracle on the back end and Windows in the "cube
farm".  It's a great place to work.  If you are interested (or know someone)
please get in touch.  We may also have 2 or 3 inter positions open as well
(which may grow into full-time positions).

OK.  We're two weeks out and I am officially freaking out (so, things are
right on track :-).  Have you checked out the web site?  Kelly has put up a
Plone site and gets extra credit for getting it to work with my WebFaction
account.  She worked for two or three days to get it running and wants to
continue development after the 16th aiming for next year (something I want
to do, also, but let's get through this year, first).

Registration is at 27 but i know many more who are coming.  Here's a shot at
a schedule, though it's likely to change (right up until the conference):

8:30-9:00 - Registration
9:00-10:15: Morning Session I
A.  Introduction to Python (Dr. Carl Burch)
B.  Python Teach-In (Brad Allen and Volunteers)
C. Data Visulization with Python (W. Emeneker)
D. Intro to the Google Application Engine (Chris Harris)

10:15-10:30 - Break.  Allow people to deposit their tickets for door prizes.

10:30-11:30 - Morning Session II
A.  Introduction to Python (cont)
B.  Python Teach In (cont)
C.  Introduction to GUI Programming (Wayne Werner)
D. Open Space

11:30-1:00 - Lunch on your own.

A.  Simple Game Design (Dr. Bernard Chen)
B.  Blender I (Gordon Fisher)
C.  Web Framework Overview (Gloria W. Jacobs)
D.  Scientific Computing (W. Emeneker)

A.  Freeseer - A Live Presentation Recording Application (L.J. Estorninos)
B.  Blender II
C.  MongoDB (Gloria W. Jacobs)
D.  Python Meets 3-D CAD (30 min, Nicholas Seward)/Real-time Image
Processing (30 min, Dr. Gabriel Ferrer )

A.  What Does This Code Do? (Jeff Rush)
B.  Concurrency (Gloria W. Jacobs)
C.  Web Security and Django (Chad Files)
D.  Programming Mindstorm Robots (Greg Lindstrom)

If I have forgotten someone or a class please let me know.  There is some
"wiggle room" in the schedule.  In particular, I've signed up to teach a
class on Lego Mindstorm Robots which may, or may not be a good idea.

I believe that O'Reilly Publishing is sending someone to the conference!
That's pretty cool in my book (no pun intended).  The rest of the door
prizes have arrived and Gloria has threatened to have some of her friends
supply even more.  We'll hand out tickets with registration so people can
decide which prizes they want.

If you are teaching and want software installed on the University computers,
please let up know what you need ASAP.  UCA will in stall it but they would
like some time to make sure it's right.

For those of you interested, let's plan on having dinner Saturday evening.
If you are speaking, I (pyArkansas, actually) will pick up the tab as a
small attempt to say "thank-you".  We don't have a much $$ this year as in
the past (because I haven't worked at raising any) but there will be enough
for dinner.  Do we want to do anything after dinner?  Even gathering at a
hotel and having someone teach me how to contribute to the core distribution
would be cool.  Or you could teach me about distribution methods or making
packages.  I'd like Allen to teach me about unit tests (as opposed to
smoke/functionality tests).  Honestly, the more I think about it the less I
know about coding!

Let's get more people signed up.  I'll send notes to the newspapers and
radio stations to get some PR.

Am I missing anything?  Do you have concerns/issues?  Let me know.  And keep
a list of what we can do for next year.  I already have plans to make this a
State-wide event next year and will be asking for ideas by the end of the

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