[PyAR2] April Meeting

gslindstrom at gmail.com gslindstrom at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 04:24:40 CEST 2010

OK...let's try again. I propose a PyAr2 meeting Saturday, April 17th  
somewhere in Conway (UCA, Hendrix, or the Conway Chamber of Commerce). I'll  
present a talk on Sphinx, the Python Powered documentation system (that  
make documenting your project fun!). Who else wants to present a 30 minute  
talk? If you don't want to talk, what do you want to hear?

We also need to talk about a web site (anyone want to take it on?). The  
group has $$ for hosting it somewhere. And it's not too early to start  
talking about PyAR 2010!

I'm submitting a talk to our friends in pyOhio. Some of you should, too. It  
would be good to support the Texas conference, too.

Let me know what yuo thank about meeting on the 17th.

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