[PyAR2] News from O'Reilley

gslindstrom at gmail.com gslindstrom at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 04:18:10 CEST 2009

Items from this months O'Reilley newsletter:

Help Us Create a New Technical Certification Program

O'Reilly Media is conducting research about a technical certification  
program and we want your opinion. Please take our 20 question survey to  
help us understand what you want in a certification program from  
O'Reilly--what topics, what motivates you, and what you'd expect to get out  
of it. Complete the survey and you'll be entered in a random drawing for a  
chance to win $200 of O'Reilly ebooks. Thank you for your help!


Have you tried one of our free webcasts? We offer many different topics  
every week and you can always go back and watch the previous ones.

Upcoming webcasts include "iPhone Forensics: Live Recovery of an iPhone  
3G[s]" and "Hands-on: Step-by-step MySQL Clustering Setup," Past topics  
that are well worth a watch include "10 Ways to Wreck Your  
Database," "Radical Career Success in a Down Economy," and "Around the  
world in 32 minutes with The Geek Atlas."

Reviewers Needed and Book Discount Code

We're always looking for book reviewers, especially on our new releases.  
Titles we're excited about include The Geek Atlas, The New Community Rules,  
Best iPhone Apps, Erlang Programming, and Beautiful Architecture. If you'd  
like to write a review of any of these books for Amazon, Slashdot, or your  
blog, please send an email to your user group leader with the book title  
and where you'll review it.

Get 35% off from O'Reilly, No Starch, Paraglyph, PC Publishing, Pragmatic  
Bookshelf, Rocky Nook, SitePoint, or YoungJin books and ebooks you purchase  
directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone  
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