[PyAR2] pyArkansas 2009

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 04:25:23 CEST 2009

Hello List -

I just returned from PyCon, the National Python Convention, held in Chicago
this year.  I had a blast and learned more stuff than I will ever be able to
use.  If you get the chance to make it next year (in Atlanta) it's well
worth your time and money.  The videos are on pycon.blip.tv.

But, I want to get the ball rolling on pyArkansas 2009.  First off, do we
want to put it on (I do!)?  We need to determine when to have it; I want to
make sure that we don't conflict with the Dallas group and, if we have it at
UCA, we need to make sure there is not a home football game.  With that in
mind, I will contact UCA to see if they will host it again and get a list of
possible days.

What about the format?  I really liked the classes last year, how about
you?  What classes would you like to see?  We need to have an "intro to
Python".  Someone has suggested a GIS class.  What else?

Funding is a big deal.  We have $500.00 from the Conway A&P Commission and
Chad Russle has pledged to help us out from the Conway Chamber of Commerce,
though we have a ways to go before his full offer kicks in.  I'm pretty sure
the Python Software Foundation will help out (they offered $300.00 last
year).  I would like to approach a trucking company to see if they will fund
a GIS track, so we need to come up with a figure.

Anyways, there is a ton to do.  I will write the PyCon people to see if we
can use their package for registration.  I'm toying with the idea of a
registation fee for non high school types (maybe $25.00?).

Everything is on the table.  And only 6 months away!

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