[PyAR2] pyArkansas: Rounding the corner

Noah Gift noah.gift at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 21:52:51 CEST 2008

On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 3:48 PM, Greg Lindstrom <gslindstrom at gmail.com>wrote:

> I am sending out 18 more invitations to the conference; a reminder to all
> of the High Schools in Faulkner County and a first invitation to all the
> High Schools in Pulaski County.  We are at 29 people registered; I'd really
> like to double that.
> Jeff and Noah, I'd like you to confirm that you are still planning to
> attend.

Yes, I do plan on attending.  I will give away 10 books if that helps
attendance any.

>   If you get here early enough Friday, we would like to take you out to
> dinner;

I might be up for that.  It sounds a little less hectic than trying to fly
in and leave the same day.

> otherwise we will take you out Saturday if your travel plans allow.  Jeff,
> are you willing/able to replace my Django talk with something on eggs?  If
> not, I'll do what I can (unless someone else wants to lead a 50-minute talk
> on Django).

> Everyone else (especially teachers).  What software do we need to have
> installed on the University machines?  Here is what I have so far:
> Python 1.5
> IPython 1.8
> PyGame
> Django
> Anything else?  Do we have any directories with test/demo data to get
> installed?  UCA will do it for us, if we get them the info in the next week
> or so.
> --greg

Noah Gift
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