[PyAR2] pyArkansas

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Tue May 20 01:05:30 CEST 2008

Hello Everyone-

I have written Dr. Hu at UCA asking if they could help out with a
Python conference this fall.  If they can not help out, I'll write our
friends at Hendrix.  Mostly, I'd like to get a couple of rooms and a
wireless network.  Also, I'd like to get a general idea of when to
schedule the conference (the UCA schedule may dictate some of this)
and then write some letters asking for sponsorship; I'm pretty sure
the Python Software Foundation would help us and I'm guessing we could
get local support from Acxiom and other "tech" businesses (but only if
we ask!).  O'Reilley will kick in some books to give away and I'm sure
I can get my friends at Elegant Stitches to give some polo shirts :-)
I'm watching the pyOhio conference to see what budget items need to be

Since Python is one of the "lessor known" languages, I'm planning on
lots of introductory material; certainly a "introduction to Python"
session, but also showing off the web and scientific presence.  For
experienced users there will be more advanced sessions (either 30 or
45 minutes on various topics).   I'd like to send out announcements to
local schools; where else?  For this first meeting, I thing 1 day
would be better than planning a 2 day affair.

Chad, since you are active "up North", do you think we [c|s]hould plan
a session up there, too?  We could do it in the fall or wait until the
Spring, but I think it would be good to consider repeating our efforts
for NW Arkansas users.

Constructive comments are always welcome.


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