[PyAR2] C++ vs. Python as teaching tool

Coltrey Mather pyar2 at cowsgomoo.org
Tue Jan 15 23:29:13 CET 2008

> I'm a C++ fan when you need the horsepower.  But what I really like about
> Python as a learning language is the syntax is so simple; you can
> concentrate on the task at hand rather than how to code it up.  That's great
> when you're teaching loops and such.  It's even cooler when you get to
> classes and OOP.  Python is just so simple, though it does violate some of
> the "theoretical" tenets of OOP such as data hiding.  Larry Wall (creator of
> Perl) had a great line about Perl's OOP design.  He said you were expected
> to follow OOP practice in the same way he expected you to stay out of his
> house.  Not because it was locked, but because you just shouldn't do it!
> When I was going through school Pascal was used as a learning language.  Now
> I think Python would be a great choice.

The beauty of python is that all your "needs the horsepower" things can be
written in C as python modules...the framework for doing things like that is
mature and good (or so I hear)
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