[PyAR2] Letters and Give-Aways

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 18:54:23 CEST 2008

Today I am sending out letters to High Schools and Colleges/Universities in
Faulkner and White Counties (White County because I lived there for 10
years).  I have letters and fliers left over (as well as envelopes and
stamps).  If you want me to send an invite out to someone please let me
know.  Send me the name and address.

As for give-aways, I think we may want to split it up and give some away
throughout the day (target certain things for certain classes).  We're going
to have a small mountain of stuff that would take a good deal of time.

As far as the "random" program, I was thinking we could have all the
attendees listed in a text file (one name per line) and then while questions
are being answered I would do something like this (done using IDLE on the

import random
input_filename = INSERT_FILENAME_HERE
names = []
for name in file(input_filename):

while True:
   print random.choice(names)
   raw_input('Press <ENTER> to continue')

I'd like to do something like this to show how easy Python is to use.
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