[PyAR2] Books!!

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 00:56:38 CEST 2008

I just got a truckload of books from Marsee (courtesy of OReilly) for us to
give away.  Here's a list of titles:

* Beautiful Code, 1st Edition
* Building Embedded Linux Systems
* FBML Essentials
* Hackerteen, 1st Edition (goes with the way-cool T-Shirts)
* High Performance MYSQL
* High Performance Web Sites
* Intellectual Property and Open Source
* Learning Vi and Vim
* Learning Python
* Making Things Happen (Project Administration)
* Programming Collective Intelligence
* Python in a Nutshell
* Python  Cookbook
* Web 2.0, A strategy Guide

Wow!  Do we need to think how we are going to give these away?  I could
write a random choice generator (using names listed in a file) in the IDLE
editor *during* the Q&A session, projecting it on the screen.  Or, we could
have names dropped in a hat.  Do we draw for a particular prize, or let
people pick?

Whatever we do, we all owe a big thank-you to Marsee and her friends at

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