[PyAR2] Money!

Chad Cooper Chad_Cooper at SWN.COM
Thu Aug 21 00:18:43 CEST 2008

Rock on Greg! Can I use the Novasys logo on the wiki? I'm going to write
up a letter requesting $300 (using your template) to give my boss and
get it to him in the morning.
Great work.


	From: pyar2-bounces at python.org [mailto:pyar2-bounces at python.org]
On Behalf Of Greg Lindstrom
	Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 3:36 PM
	To: pyar2 at python.org
	Subject: [PyAR2] Money!
	Novasys Health just approved $300.00 for us; I should get a
check on Friday!!

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