[PyAR2] PyArkansas swag update

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 17:24:04 CEST 2008

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Chad Cooper <Chad_Cooper at swn.com> wrote:

>  Folks, heres an update on the swag situation for PyArkansas. Its looking
> really good so far.
>    - Python Magazine is going to give us 100 copies of the September issue
>    - Greg has about 100 Python logo stickers he got at PyCon
>    - Greg has contacted O'Reilly about books and has gotten positive
>    response from them
>    - I just found out that Wingware is giving us three 3-OS Wingware IDE
>    Professional seats - those babies are $395 a pop!
> This is very encouraging, folks. I'd like to keep the ball rolling on this
> and contact some more vendors/publishers/etc. Anyone have any ideas?
> thanks
> chad

When I write companies for $$, I'll invite them to send swag as well (most
companies have it and are happy to part with it, too).  I plan to contact:

Novasys Health (my employer)

Any others I should contact?

and...GREAT JOB, CHAD!!!
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