[PyAR2] Jeff Rush Speaking at PyArkansas

W W srilyk at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 16:44:28 CEST 2008

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 9:05 AM, Greg Lindstrom <gslindstrom at gmail.com>wrote:

> <snip>
> So, we really need to meet -- either in person or IRC -- to get things
> planned.  How about Saturday, August 16th?  Should we set up a
> freenode channel (anyone know how to do that?).  I need to met with
> our friends at UCA to look over the classrooms/labs and coordinate
> with them as well.

IRC works well for me. Evidently, this works:
/connect irc.freenode.net
/join pyar2

Currently (at 9:34AM, Monday, Aug. 4, 2008) there's a room called pyar2 on
irc.freenode.net. With one user, @waynew in it.

> <snip>

If you do not want to (or do not feel qualified to) host a talk, what
> would you want to see someone else speak on (what talks would you like

to go to)?

I'm definitely interested in the PyGame.

> Do we want Open Space for talks or "show and tell"?  I'd like at lest
> 30 minutes at the end of the day for everyone to get together for a
> wrap up (and to give away door prizes).

I don't know if there would be much interest, but I wonder about a panel
discussion (15-30 minutes? less? more?) with all/some of the presenters? And
then when interest seems to be slowing down, just wrap it up and give out
the door prizes.

> It would also be nice to have a small (8.5x11) "poster" to send out
> with the announcements I plan to mail out next month.  Anyone want to
> put one together?

Do we have a logo yet?

> I'll create a Google Document to share with a proposed schedule, etc.
> Let me know if you want access to it.

I would. It might even be a good idea to just create a google group for the

Once we get the poster, I can see about talking to the computing class at
the A+ Charter school in maumelle. I'm sure I could put one up at the
Maumelle Library as well.

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