[PyAR2] Thanks and another question...

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 18:19:30 CET 2007

On Dec 21, 2007 8:23 AM, W W <srilyk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ah! Those examples were super helpful! Thanks!

Thanks.  The formatters support everything one can do in "C".  Some more

Minimum length of a string field (notice the '25' between the '%' and 's').

>>>t = 'this is a test'
>>> print '-->[%25s]<--' % w
-->[           this is a test]<--

Use a ''-' to left justify:
>>> print '-->[%-25s]<--' % w
-->[this is a test           ]<--

You can specify the maximum length of a string field, too (notice the value
>>> print '-->[%.5s]<--' % w
-->[this ]<--

Combine the above two to force the string to be a certain length (in this
case 20 bytes):
>>> print '-->[%20.20s]<--' % w
-->[      this is a test]<--

You can do the same with integers, let's force a column to be 8-bytes wide
using the '%d' identifier
n = 123
>>> print '-->[%8d]<--' % n
-->[     123]<--

And if you want leading zeros...
>>> print '-->[%08d]<--' % n

Floats allow you to specify a maximum with (before the decimal point) and
precision (after the decimal point).  Use the %f format identifier.
f = 1234.56789

>>> print f

>>> print '-->[%6.2f]<--' % f
-->[1234.57]<--   notice it has been rounded.

Once you get the hang of it, you can look in the reference guide for a
mind-numbing list of format identifiers and qualifiers.

I believe python 3000 will change the print statement to a function and use
a different formatting style along the lines of:

>>> planet = 'World'
>>> name = 'Greg'
>>> print('Hello, {1}.  My name is {2}' % (planet, name))
Hello, World.  My name is Greg.

I'll try to find out more at PyCon in March.

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