[PuPPy] Cool post on Baypiggies of a self-study code group

Don Sheu don at sheu.com
Wed Aug 12 03:26:14 CEST 2015

Saw this and wanted to share with everybody:

I hope that it's okay to post this to the list.

We're a group in Berkeley called Code Self Study (
http://www.meetup.com/codeselfstudy/ )  that meets at least twice per week
to study programming. The group is open to all languages, but probably
70-80% of members are focused on Python. The events are free and open to
all levels of experience.

* Beginners can get help with their tutorials, projects, and exercises.
* Experienced programmers can mentor the beginners and/or work on their own

We have an optional project-based format where people can split into groups
for monthly projects. At the end of each month, the groups demo their
projects on the projector.

If anyone would like to give a presentation on a Python topic on a Wednesday
 or Saturday, send me an email. The meeting rooms can comfortably hold up
to about 30 people (or more, depending on the day), and there is a

There are many events in San Francisco, South Bay, and Oakland, but not
much going on in Berkeley, so we're meeting at least twice per week over
here---more often when we can find event space.

One goal of the group is to rent a dedicated space to create a kind of
self-directed educational center for programmers in Berkeley. If the idea
of a programming space in Berkeley interests you and you would like to help
with the project, there is more information here:

If you're learning Python or are interested in helping people learn Python,
hope to see you at one of our meetings.


  Don Sheu
  (312) 880-9389

Join my Python user group, we meet every 2nd Wednesday

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