[PSF-Community] PyConline AU Call for Proposals - open until June 10 2021 AoE

Katie McLaughlin katie at glasnt.com
Wed May 5 06:00:21 EDT 2021

PyConline AU 2021 is thrilled to announce it's call for proposals is now

PyConline AU will run from September 10 - 12 2021, in UTC+10 hours, online.

We are welcoming submissions for presentations -- both live and pre-record
-- from now through *June 10 2021 AoE *(anywhere on earth!)

Our Friday will host returning specialist tracks Education, DevOops,
Snakeoil Academy, and Science, Data, and Analytics, and our weekend will
host our general Python content.

You can read more about our event, and submit your proposal at:

We are also seeking volunteers to help run social events! Attendees
thoroughly enjoyed our virtual social events last year, and we want to
repeat that again! Submit your expression of interest at:

We'd love to hear from you!

See you online,

Katie McLaughlin
Communications Director
PyConline AU
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