[PSF-Community] [PSF-Vote] Selection Message in Helios

Mark Moretto otteromkram at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 08:05:49 EDT 2020


Thank you for the clarification.

Personally, I believe all candidates are very well-qualified and, combined
with their enthusiasm about Python and maintaining a top-tier, open-source
platform, selecting only a few is incredibly challenging.  I want to vote
for them all!

The PSF is lucky to be able to select from such a group.


Mark Moretto

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 4:15 PM David Mertz <mertz at gnosis.cx> wrote:

> I am delighted to have just completed my vote for the slate of the 2020
> term PSF Board.  As my personal voting strategy, I read all of the
> candidate statements, and nominator statements where they were made, and
> basically tried to come up with any reason in my mind why a given candidate
> was not absolutely my highest preference.  That said, even if ALL 4 seats
> go to folks I did not vote for, I will remain delighted by the outcome,
> since there are so many wonderful candidates running.
> At the completion of selection (in my case, of 11 candidates), I was
> presented with this message:
> [you under-voted: you may select up to 26]
> I was, in the past, the PSF Voting Administrator, and introduced the use
> of Approval Voting as the election method (many years ago now).  So I get
> what this means, but I am concerned that the phrasing may confuse new
> voters, or simply those less wrapped up in election arcana.  I do not know
> if it is possible now to adjust that phrase slightly.
> ANY number of votes, from zero to 26 is technically valid in the Approval
> Voting style.  It is a little bit pointless to vote for exactly 0 or
> exactly 26, since your vote will not affect the outcome in those cases (but
> it is still valid, and registers your participation).  But any number of
> approvals from 1 to 25 will in some manner legitimately express a
> differential preference.
> When you vote, if you see a similar message, do not be alarmed by it.  You
> are given an opportunity there to adjust your votes, if you wish, but you
> may also simply submit your vote with your desired number of selections,
> and it will be valid and counted.
> Yours, David...
> ---
> The dead increasingly dominate and strangle both the living and the
> not-yet born.  Vampiric capital and undead corporate persons abuse
> the lives and control the thoughts of homo faber. Ideas, once born,
> become abortifacients against new conceptions.
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