[PSF-Community] PyCon AU 2019 Call for Proposals is now open

Katie McLaughlin katie at glasnt.com
Sat Apr 6 16:36:27 EDT 2019

Ready, set, write!

The PyCon AU organising team is excited to announce that our PyCon AU 2019
Call for Presentations (CFP) is open! It’ll stay open until Sunday, May 5
Anywhere On Earth (AoE).

We welcome submissions from everybody, including those:

   - who have never given a conference talk before,
   - who are new to Python,
   - who have built interesting things in Python,
   - who have broken interesting things with Python,
   - who have helped build Python, and
   - who have expertise to share with our community from fields outside of
   Python (and outside of technology).

If you’ve never presented at a conference before and think you might like
to try it, we want to hear from you! The program committee is very much
interested in encouraging and supporting new speakers, and we will have
speaking mentors on hand to work with you to develop your proposal and talk
content so you can give the best talk possible.

Our CFP process also encompasses submissions to the four Specialist Tracks
(Education, Science and Data, Security and Privacy, and DjangoCon
Australia), so you can submit your talk to the main conference and the
Specialist Tracks with one click.

Please go to our Speak page <https://2019.pycon-au.org/speak> for more
details on how to submit a proposal for PyCon AU 2018.

Some financial aid will be available for PyCon AU speakers. For more
information on our Financial Aid policy and how to apply, please see
our Financial
Assistance <https://2019.pycon-au.org/assistance/> page.

If you have questions about the CFP process, or want to ask one of our
PyCon AU mentors for advice on your talk idea, you can reach us at
speakers at 2019.pycon-au.org.

And please help us spread the word about our CFP by sharing a link to this
page or using the hashtag #pyconau.


An online copy of this announcement is available on
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