[PSF-Community] Announcing NVDACon: NVDA Users and Developers Conference, a conference for users, developers and supporters of an open-source Python-based screen reader for Microsoft Windows

Joseph Lee joseph.lee22590 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 15:16:18 EDT 2016

Dear members of the Python Software Foundation, advocates of Python
programming language, wider Python community and accessibility advocates:


My name is Joseph Lee, a college student from Los Angeles, a visually
impaired Python programmer and a contributor to a screen reader called
NonVisual Desktop Access, a Python-based, open-source and community-driven
screen reader for Microsoft Windows. First, I would like to thank you for
the work the staff at PSF and the Python community are doing to promote
Python programming language. Many programmers, including blind and visually
impaired developers appreciate all your hard work to make Python a fun, easy
to learn and one of the most accessible and widely used programming
languages around the world. To give you a chance to talk to fellow
Pythoneers who are blind or visually impaired and to foster collaboration
with PSF and the community on accessibility, I'd like to invite the Python
community to a community-led conference on NVDA screen reader scheduled for
April 2016.


For many blind people around the world, a computer and a screen reader is an
integral combination for obtaining a wide range of information, tool for
communication and is crucial for success at work. Until a few years ago, a
visually impaired computer user would set aside up to a thousand dollars to
purchase a screen reader (a screen reader is a software package that
obtains, interprets and presents screen elements and their contents via
speech synthesis and/or a refreshable braille display). Some of the
well-known screen readers include JAWS for Windows for Microsoft Windows,
VoiceOver for OS X and iOS and Orca for Linux, with JAWS being an example of
a commercial screen reader. 


In 2006, two blind Python programmers from Australia decided to write a
free, open-source alternative, choosing Python as its implementation
language. Initially, they used packages such as PyTTS and older packages for
accomplishing certain tasks and used accessibility API's such as MSAA
(Microsoft Active Accessibility)/IAccessible. Over the years, the number of
packages used by NVDA grew, and as of 2016, NVDA uses well-known third-party
packages such as wxPython (GUI features), SCons (compilation), Py2exe
(source code to binary transformation) and others, with support for newer
accessibility API's and standards such as ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet
Applications) and UIA (UI Automation) included as standard.


Ten years after its creation, the NVDA screen reader project, led by an
Australian charity named NV Access, has become an integral tool for lives of
over a hundred thousand blind and visually impaired computer users around
the world, and features of this project are growing thanks to contribution
from the community. Some of the highlights include support for various
office applications and web browsers, compatibility with Windows XP and
beyond, ability to run from a USB flash drive without requiring
installation, translated into nearly 50 languages and an interactive Python
console/interpreter for testing accessibility features and for developing
workarounds for inaccessible parts of various applications. As of time of
this writing, NVDA uses Python 2.7, and developers are looking at porting
NVDA to Python 3, subject to readiness of dependencies such as SCons,
wxPython and others.


In late 2015, some members of the NVDA user community met together online to
discuss ways of celebrating NVDA's tenth anniversary in April 2016. Among
many ideas discussed in our meeting, it was decided that the NVDA community,
together with NV Access, will host a special NVDA Users and Developers
Conference (called NVDACon) in April (inspired by PyCon, NvDACon (started in
2014) seeks to let users network with developers and to set the goals of
NVDA's development for months to come). The organizers of NVDACon believe
that promotion is the key to success of this gathering, and we thought about
contacting PSF and the wider Python community to see if we could get the
word out to mainstream media, to fellow Python developers and to raise
awareness of accessibility in programming and user experience.


At NVDACon, not only you'll get a chance to talk to users of a Python-based
screen reader to learn more about how a screen reader works, you'll get a
chance to learn more about how NVDA is impacting lives of blind and visually
impaired people around the world as they work, play and everything in
between and more. You'll also gain insight into how companies such as
Microsoft, Mozilla and others are working together with NV access and the
wider blindness community to enhance accessibility of their products, as
well as hear from members of the NVDA community (who are also visually
impaired Python programmers) as to how they are benefiting the wider
community by creating add-ons (extensions) for NVDA. At the end of the
conference, you'll get a chance to hear from the creators of NVDA screen
reader discussing NVDA's past, present and future, as well as get a chance
to talk to actual screen reader developers to learn more about what we the
Python community can do to improve state of accessibility of software
packages and to foster collaboration with NV Access to make programs
accessible to screen reader users around the world.


For more information on NVDA, please visit www.nvaccess.org. More
information on NvDACon can be found at


Conference details:

*         Title: NVDA Users and Developers Conference (NVDACon)
International 2016/Tenth Anniversary Edition

*         Date: April 22, 23, 29 and 30, 2016

*         Place: NVDA Korea TeamTalk server (requires TeamTalk 5)

*         Time: varies

*         Theme: NonVisual Desktop Access: Ten years of screen reading

*         Keynote speakers: Michael Curran and James Teh (NV Access)

*         Featured speakers: Kelly Ford (senior accessibility program
manager, Microsoft), Marco Zehe (accessibility quality assurance engineer,
Mozilla Foundation), Fernando Botelho  (led developer, F123 Access), Lucy
Greco and Pranav Lal (Dictation Bridge (http://dictationbridge.com))


We the organizers of NVDACon and the NVDA community look forward to seeing
members of the Python community and PSF join this conference and a possible
collaboration to making Python an even better tool for those starting out
with programming, especially for blind and visually impaired users. Thank






Joseph S. Lee

Department of Communication Studies (student), Los Angeles City College

Translator, code contributor and community add-ons reviewer, NVDA screen
reader project

Chair, NVDA Tenth Anniversary Planning Committee


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