[PSF-Community] [X-POST] PSF Board Meeting Minutes - 2016-06-14

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 23:49:24 EDT 2016

On 19 July 2016 at 16:10, Kushal Das <kushaldas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> The PSF board meeting minutes from 14th June are now available online at [1].
> This was the first meeting of the newly elected board. At the beginning of the
> meeting, the new officers were elected. The positions and the names of the
> board members are given below.
> * Chair of Python Software Foundation -- Diana Clarke
> * Vice chairs of Python Software Foundation -- Van Lindberg, and Naomi Ceder
> * Communications Officers -- Lorena Mesa, and Kushal Das

Congratulations to the new officers!

Thanks especially to Van for his years of service as PSF Chair.

> It was also agreed that PSF will aquire pythonineducation.org domain name,
> which will be used as an index site highlighting education related Python
> projects around the world. PSF will also extend the partnership agreement with
> the BBC, the Chair will sign the agreement on behalf of the PSF.
> * BBC micero:bit project
>   UK's Blanc Ltd will do initial design for the new education site,
>   will contain at least BBC micro:bit, Raspberry Pi Foundation, and
>   annual Education tracks, and events in Python conferences.
>   $8400

Huzzah! We weren't quite able to get these requests resolved within
the term of the previous Board, so it's great to see that you were
able to address them so early this term :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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