[PSF-Community] No more me

Rémi Rampin remirampin at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 17:11:12 CEST 2015

2015-09-21 11:03 EDT, Justin Myles Holmes <twotonespirit at gmail.com>:

> I'm enjoying reading them.  Is it so much of an inconvenience?

It is. I was surprised to get subscribed to this mailing-list (I didn't
request it), but was ok with it if it was to be filled with interesting
content relating to Python communities. The first few emails I got
(conferences, calls for speakers) were fine, but these "presentations" are
really pointless and nothing but spam (at least Manuel put some content
into it; I fail to see why anyone would enjoy reading "my name is X I'm
from Ycountry and use Python").

I have nothing against this kind of email, but I really think their must be
a better place for them. Or did I misunderstand the purpose of this list?

The purpose of the psf-community mailing list is to provide an environment
> where pythonistas can communicate with a large audience, share experiences,
> launch projects, and/or discuss their Python & OSS interests. This
> community mailing list will have public archives, accessible to everyone.


Keep in mind that a large audience will see your posts. This may include
> your current or future employers. Take care in what you write. Remember,
> this mailing list is publicly archived, and that your words will be stored
> publicly for a very long time.

The mailing-list's description does mention that it is an archived, "large
audience" list for projects, experiences and OSS. I fail to see how
introductions from every Python user around the world fit into this. But I
don't have anything against a separate, high-volume mailing-list were these
would take place (so long as no one subscribes me to it).

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