[portland] PyCascades, Jan 22-23, Vancouver BC

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 20:52:27 EST 2017

I'm really drawn to this however I see I'm booked to teach a night class
(on Python advanced topics) in that interval.

Eric, I'm just now watching the Youtube of your Py2016 tutorial on Sphinx /
RTD which I wanna say I'm enjoying mightily and plan to share with my


Eric Holscher - Documenting your project with Sphinx & Read the Docs -
PyCon 2016

Speaking of teaching, Saturday Academy may be needing Python teachers this
summer; I interviewed there today (a hard-to-find house on University of
Portland Campus).

People interested in sharing Python with kids might also check Coding with
Kids, a company I've done work with over the past year.  Get in touch.

I hope someone'll say "hi!" to Guido for me if we don't cross paths.


On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 8:47 AM, Eric Holscher <eric at ericholscher.com>

> Hey everyone,
> Just wanted to reach out to everyone to remind y'all that we are having our
> first PNW regional Pycon, PyCascades 2018 🍾! It's in beautiful Vancouver
> (BC) on Jan 22-23 -- only a ~5 hr drive, ~7hr beautiful train ride, or 1hr
> flight away.
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