[portland] GitHub accounts

Stephen McCray mcbracket at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 09:20:37 CEST 2015


Sorry everyone!  I had meant to send this the Portland Python *Organizers*
list, not the Portland, *Oregon* Python list :-D.

Apologies to those who have already sent their GitHub accounts to me.  This
was primarily directed at the organizers so that I could make sure proper
people were notified when issues relevant to them were created.

However, now is as good at time as any to announce that in an effort to
increase transparency we moving to managing organizational issues for PDX
Python in our public GitHub repo at github.com/portlandpython.  There's not
much to look at yet, but over time we hope build it up to provide a public
view of what is going on behind the scenes at PDX Python.

All full group announcements such as Hack Night and Presentation Night will
still be done via Meetup and on this list.


On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 12:08 AM, Stephen McCray <mcbracket at gmail.com>

> Hey everybody,
> Since we're going to be doing general issue tracking for PDX Python and
> issue tracking for the web site through GitHub, it's probably best to get
> you added as part of the Portland Python Users Group organization on GitHub
> if you want to be pinged on issues relevant to you.  To that end, could
> anyone who has not done so already send either me or Joe Lewis with your
> GitHub account name and we'll make sure to get you added.
> -Bracket
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