[portland] SQLAlchemy anyone?

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Jul 28 00:23:54 CEST 2015

   I've read the SQLAlchemy ORM tutorial a couple of times and understand the
concepts enough to write a module defining the application's database
schema; the wxPython GUI is also written. Now I need to learn how to apply
SQLAlchemy as the middleware. Can't find a non-Web application so I can look
at the code, see how it's organized and used in that situation.

   If someone local has SA experience and is willing to help I'll buy coffee,
lunch, or dinner in exchange for guidance on how to move ahead on my
project. Can't seem to find any documentation that provides a template. (The
ORM tutorial is for an interactive, memory-based example, not a multi-module


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