[portland] Looking for wxPython help

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sat Apr 19 15:35:20 CEST 2014

On Fri, 18 Apr 2014, Robin Dunn wrote:

> super() is a Python function that returns a proxy object that delegates to to 
> the parent class or a sibling class.  Using it is not strictly necessary to 
> use it, but it can be handy especially in cases of multiple inheritance where 
> the next class in a call chain may not be fully known at the time that a call 
> is written.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/576169/understanding-python-super-and-init-methods


   Thanks. I know there have been many changes in Python, wxWidgets, and
wxPython over the years so I've been looking for current documentation that
I can use for reference with current versions.

> Are you using a sizer in the frame?


> Does the frame have other child widgets?


> If a frame has only one child then it will automatically resize it to fit in 
> the frame's client area by default.  If it has more than one child or if you 
> want different behavior then you'll either need to give it some help with a 
> sizer, or explicitly manage the children's layout in the frame's EVT_SIZE 
> handler.

   The design I want to implement brings up a login view first. Then it
presents views appropriate to the role of the user. Now I'm writing the
login portion; it should have a panel in the main frame. The panel has a
vertical sizer with 3 horizontal sizers: one for label and username entry,
one for label and password, one for the OK and Cancel buttons. I've been
using my ancient code and your wxPIA book as resources, plus what I can find
on the Web. I'll find your Phoenix project and read what I can there.

> Both StackOverflow and the wxPython-users google group are excellent
> places to get help on wxPython. There are lots of people who have time and
> are happy to help answer questions or give guidance. If you have specific
> questions or problems with existing code then be sure to boil it down to a
> small runnable sample when you ask about it.

   Yes, the wxPython mail list has been an outstanding resource. I've always
preferred mail lists that push answers to me over Web fora where I need to
pull the answers to me. But, I've used SO for R questions so it's not

Thanks very much,


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