[portland] Meeting tonight

Kevin Turner keturn at keturn.net
Thu Jan 10 00:42:13 CET 2013

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013, at 05:24 PM, Daniel Johnson wrote:
> According to meetup there is a meeting tonight. Seems like it should
> have been mentioned here as well...

Thanks for catching that, Daniel.  Our regular organizer was out of town
this week, and I may have dropped some balls while filling in, including
that one.

(This is probably a good time to mention that we could use a new
co-organizer for the group to help spread the load around and increase
our Truck Number.*)

Also a reminder that while this list is often pretty darn quiet, we do
maintain the meetup page for events:

and the IRC channel is usually active, #pdxpython on chat.freenode.net.

Thanks to all of you who came out last night!

To recap, we had Machine Learning with Python by Michel Pelletier, who
gave a high-level introduction to Scikit-Learn and talked a bit about
how it works for them at Trapit.

Justin Abrahms introduced his application for following github activity
at a somewhat more reasonable pace than the every-commit notifications:

Eric Holscher shared his plans for the next six months, after years of
Python development: [no URL, mountains and trees don't have URLs (yet),
go outside]

Michael Schurter talked about using mmstats to get visibility on the
progress of scripts:

Christopher Swenson on Sublime Text's plug-in API:

and Raphael (sorry, I didn't catch your last name) gave a lightning
introduction to getting started with Django:

We also heard from this month's food sponsor, Glider, about the work
they're doing with collaboration on contracts and other secure
documents.  They're hiring!  http://glider.com/about-us/careers/

And speaking of food, thank you for being the test subjects for my
attempt to provide a gluten-free menu.  Please pass along any feedback
to me (we know: get food there earlier!), and if you liked the food,
there's more where that came from at http://CulturedCavemanPDX.com.

Lastly, we had a request for streaming the event, for those who can't
make it downtown (or for those who can't find a seat; there were a lot
of you last night!).  If you have any expertise in that sort of thing
and would be willing to help out on presentation nights, please do let
us know.


 - Kevin

* Truck Number: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TruckNumber

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