[portland] Any Plone 4 Users Here?

Jon Baldivieso jon at upstartlabs.com
Tue Jan 8 19:57:06 CET 2013

Hi Rich -- I made a few attempts at creating a Portland Plone Users group years ago, but it seemed like there wasn't really a user base here to support it. Seattle has more active users, though. I'd put out a message to the Plone Users list if trying to drum up people there. (I formerly worked at a consultancy deploying Plone sites, but am no longer doing CMS work.)

Good luck!


Jon Baldivieso | Senior Project Manager | Upstart Labs | www.upstartlabs.com

On Jan 8, 2013, at 9:43 AM, Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:

>  I'm starting to learn plone4 for both upgrading my company web site and as
> the front end to a large, web-hosted client application with postgres
> (running on linux with apache) as the back end. I'm reading books and web
> sites/blogs but could benefit from local expertise, too. For that matter,
> I'm open to offering equity in this latter application (which I want to sell
> to a separate company when the first couple of clients are up and running)
> for help developing it.
> Rich
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