[portland] Image location for PyQT4?

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Tue Dec 24 18:46:04 CET 2013

I'm working through the tutorials at http://zetcode.com/gui/pyqt4/. So 
far, they all work, mostly. The mostly part refers to missing images. 
The section on PyQT4 Widgets includes an example of the use of a slider. 
The slider displays fine. But missing when I run the program is the 
image of a loud speaker and the ) shapes added to the right to indicate 
a sound level. There are a set of png files used by the program -- 
mute.png, min.png, med.png, max.png -- but they don't show up when I run 
it. Unless I skipped over something and missed it, I don't see anything 
that tells me where these files are supposed to be located. This is true 
for any other program in the set that uses an image file.

Is there some common set of files I should have downloaded when I 
installed python-qt4 on my Ubuntu 12.04 system?

Synaptic shows I have installed:

Package        Installed Version    Latest Version Description
----------     -----------------    -------------- -----------------------
python-qt4     4.9.1-2ubuntu1 4.9.1-2ubuntu1    Python bindings for Qt4

I don't see anything obvious in the list of packages in Synaptic, like 
some image library. What am I missing?



Richard C. Steffens

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