[portland] Any interest in a Flask presentation?

Andrew Lorente andrew.lorente at gmail.com
Sat Aug 10 23:51:43 CEST 2013

Hi Miguel,

We had a talk on flask a little less than a year
I don't think that means you *can't* do an introductory talk but maybe a
lot of the group would know it already. But the group has also grown since
then, so I might be the only one interested in intermediate-level talks.
But in the year since that presentation, I've started using Flask
recreationally, so I'd love to go to a talk like "growing your app past the
first dozen routes" or "this is what blueprints are and how you use them"*
or "here's some cool plugins that do stuff you were thinking about

Maybe you could even do a series? I dunno if the organizers would say "that
sure is a lot of free promotion for your book" or "heck yeah, more speaker
slots filled!" :-)

* are those two the same talk? I have a vague idea that that's what
blueprints are for.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Miguel Grinberg <miguelgrinberg50 at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering if you guys have interest in a presentation about the Flask
> web microframework.
> I'm currently writing a book on Flask for O'Reilly and would welcome the
> opportunity to share some of the material I'm preparing for the book and
> get feedback.
> I think I could prepare an "Introduction to Flask" session which would be a
> condensed version of Chapter 1 of the book.
> Let me know if this sounds interesting.
> Best regards,
> Miguel
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