[portland] Igal's Memorial gathering - this Sunday

Michelle Rowley mrowley at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 04:54:17 CEST 2013

Hey all,

Here's an update from Grant about Igal's Celebration of Life. It is coming
up this Sunday:

Igal’s memorial will be Sunday, April 21st from 4-7pm at First Unitarian
Church, 1211 SW Main St, Portland, OR (map <http://goo.gl/maps/EnrmX>).
Please RSVP at Eventbrite<http://igal-koshevoy-celebration.eventbrite.com/#> so
we can plan accordingly. You can sign up as a volunteer when you RSVP, or
by contacting carolynn at tenx.org<carolynn at tenx.org?subject=Volunteer%20for%20Igal's%20Celebration%20of%20Life>.
For those of you familiar with the venue, we will not be using our usual
entrance so please use the Sanctuary entrance at 1211 Main Street.
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