[portland] The Great Salt Sprint

Dan Colish dan at unencrypted.org
Tue Jun 5 03:04:35 CEST 2012

I'm pleased to announce a Great Salt Sprint will be held in Portland,
Oregon at the new Idealist offices. This development sprint is being
conducted with the express hope of adding more complete unit and
integration test coverage to Salt, but as always, feature additions and bug
fixes are welcome! The goal of Salt Stack is to develop something great,
powerful, and open. This is the first of many multi city sprints that will
enable Salt to continue pushing forward and becoming an ever more powerful

The Sprints will be held all day on the 30th of June. Attendees will get
T-shirts and there will be a live video feed from all the cities involved.
There will also be food and drink!

For more information, http://www.meetup.com/pdxpython/events/57173242/

Hope to see you there,

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