[portland] psycopg2 or SQLalchemy?

LG lgellert at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 18:15:30 CEST 2011

It depends on how long you think this app will be in service and how 
critical it is. Will you be the only maintainer, or will there be 
multiple programmers? If it is a relatively small project, and 
maintained by only you, then I don't think it matters. However, if you 
plan for this to be a multi-year project with lots of money put into it, 
I would opt for the framework.  Successful prototypes have a strange way 
of turning into multi-year projects...

Using a framework exposes you (and your team) to best practices and 
patterns, at least as the makers of the framework view the world. This 
generally leads to better maintainability and an overall higher velocity 
in the long run.  It shouldn't take more than a day or two to get 
familiar with it, so it can't hurt.


On 10/15/2011 8:40 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   I'm seeking advice. The scientific application I'm developing stores
> chemical, biotic, and other attributes in a postgres database. This 
> will be
> a client/server application, not Web based. Some queries will be hard 
> coded
> because they'll be commonly asked (similar to the balance sheet and 
> income
> statement reports from an accounting application), and other queries 
> will be
> specified by the users where they set the criteria using checkboxes, text
> boxes for dates, and similar wxPython widgets.
>   What I want to learn from those with experience is whether there 
> might be
> advantages for me in this application by learning and using SQLalchemy
> rather than psycopg2.
>   I've scanned the SQLA docs and wiki but have not seen any advantage 
> from
> my using it. Then again, I'm not a professional python programmer or
> postgres DBA/application developer so I may very well be missing critical
> information. SQLA seems to have a longer learning curve than does 
> psycopg2
> (which is so similar to the pysqlite I've used that there should be 
> minimal
> learning involved in using it).
> Your thoughts?
> Rich
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