[portland] TONIGHT: 6:30pm @ Urban Airship - feedparser, PEP drama, and lightning talks!

Michelle Rowley michelle at pdxpython.org
Wed Mar 9 00:05:17 CET 2011

Happy Second Tuesday, Pythonistas!

It's that time again. On deck for tonight is a lightning-talk-stravaganza.

Lindsey Smith will kick off the meeting with Michel's Module of the Month:
feedparser. Next up, Michael Schurter will talk in a lightning-esque manner
about PEPs 380 & 3152. Several other speakers penciled into the schedule
after Michael include: Adam Lowry, Eric Holscher, Dan Colish, and YOU!

Come on, it'll be fun. :)

See you there,

Urban Airship is at 334 NW 11th Ave, in the Pearl District:

The main door will probably be locked, but the back door, which leads
directly to the event space, will be propped open. The back door is right
around the corner on NW Flanders, next to the loading dock:
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