[portland] Django teaching opportunity

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 01:07:25 CET 2011

Cool Dylan.

Do you know if PCC does any computer classes at the facility near OMSI?

I interviewed for your job (a long time ago) but wasn't crazy about the
commute out to Intel or wherever that was.

I'm currently doing distance ed as a part time instructor for O'Reilly
School of Technology plus sometimes teach Python through Saturday Academy (

"Martian Math" with VPython put me on the map as an innovative curriculum
writer in some circles (re this summer @ Reed College, googlable).

Sorry I missed the PPUG debut @ Urban Airship ya'll.

Gossip:  Holden Web seeking to incorporate here in Oregon, Steve looking
forward to continuing friendships, starting new ones.


c.v.:  http://grunch.net/kirby-urner  (I don't see myself as good enough at
Django to lead a course in it, so passing on that one).

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Dylan Reinhardt
<python at dylanreinhardt.com>wrote:

> Slightly off-topic, but possibly the perfect thing for someone here:
> PCC has a Django class on their schedule and students registered... but due
> to a communication snafu, they still need an instructor.  :-)
> This is a pretty exciting opportunity, particularly for anyone looking to
> add a bit of oomph to their independent contractor resume.
> Here's the catch: the Django class is scheduled to start next week. So
> obviously this is a time-limited opportunity.
> In related news, they may also have an opportunity opening opening up for
> an
> instructor for their intro Python course. I would guess the right person
> could pick up both classes and probably propose others.
> If you're interested, please shoot an email to John Buesseler (copied).
> He'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
> I've taught there the last year or so and I'm happy to vouch for the
> program
> if you want to contact me off-list.
> Dylan
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