[portland] OSB and Python

Dylan Reinhardt python at dylanreinhardt.com
Thu May 13 19:07:53 CEST 2010

I missed OpenStreetMap.  So three.  :-)

Obviously, there's more of a "culture" focus at OSB than an "implementation"
focus and Python isn't really heavy into culture.  That's one of the things
I value about Python, actually.

It's just frustrating to see Python losing conference mojo at more or less
the exact moment it's gaining so much traction in the corporate world.
Somehow, that strikes me as not a coincidence.

Whatever.  I'll probably go anyway. :-)


On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 9:30 AM, John Melesky <list at phaedrusdeinus.org>wrote:

> On 2010-05-13, at 8:43 AM, Dylan Reinhardt wrote:
> > Is it just me, or did Python majorly get the finger from Open Source
> Bridge?
> >
> > 90 sessions in all and only two that even *mention* Python.
> 1- I count 3: libcloud, OpenStreetMap, and RDMA[1]
> 2- There's only one perl talk, by the same method. Though that's clearly
> about perl
> 3- There are no ruby talks by that method.
> I do see 5 PHP talks, though.
> So python doesn't look particularly screwed to me, though you might
> conceivably make the argument that dynamic languages, as a group, were (only
> 1 javascript talk). It's also possible that my methodology is crap. Indeed,
> i suspect that's true.
> -johnnnnnn
> [1] methodology: go to http://opensourcebridge.org/events/2010/sessionsand search in page for "python".
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