[portland] Protecting Intellectual Property In Python Applications

Gordon Morehouse gordon.morehouse at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 21:36:41 CET 2010

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Jython as a potential solution.
Compile to Java bytecode.


It was the first thing that came to my mind.

Of course, this wouldn't prevent dedicated reverse engineers, nor
would anything else other than presenting your product as a service.


>  Python is an interpreted scripting language with outstanding mathematical
> libraries and a great UI development tool in wxPython. Unlike complied
> languages such as C the underlying code is visible to everyone who looks at
> it. This is a problem when the application is unique and proprietary.
>  Consider the context. Suppose you wrote an application that analyzed -- in
> real time -- a commercial building's energy use and made adjustments that
> saved 50% of the energy formerly consumed. You want to sell this application
> to building owners and managers but you don't want actual or potential
> competitors to appropriate your intellectual property that figuring out the
> energy savings represents. It's your business, your ideas, and your
> potential source of financial independence. How would you protect the
> underlying source code from being mis-used by a potential competitor when
> you sold your application to clients?
>  My situation is analogous and I don't want to start over by re-writing
> everything in C. Your suggestions and recommendations are wanted.

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