[portland] Meeting tonight, 6:30pm @ Produce Row!

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 08:34:50 CEST 2010

Just wanted to say I enjoyed partaking of this event, wrote it up from
my own biased perspective:


(lots of earlier write-ups, mostly with PPUG in the title)

There's some related dribs and drabs about Python here too:

http://mybizmo.blogspot.com/2010/08/lurching-ahead.html  (middle
paragraphs, of marginal interest to some perhaps)

Then I wanted to show off what I did around Python for Martian Math,
for a recently completed summer camp:


OK, back to regularly scheduled programming,


On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Michelle Rowley <michelle at pdxpython.org> wrote:
> Hey Pythoneers!
> Just a reminder that tonight we're getting together at 6:30pm at Produce Row
> instead of Webtrends (their space was not available today, but we'll be back
> next month). I checked with Produce Row, and our members who aren't quite 21
> yet will be able to hang out until 9:00pm. Hopefully the weather will
> improve a bit and we'll be able to hang out on their remodeled deck while we
> enjoy a beverage and chat about Python. :)
> See you there!
> Michelle
> Map to Produce Row: http://bit.ly/cgKj2H
> More info: http://bit.ly/ascqdQ
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