[portland] [OT] Python-to-iPhone class

Dan Grigsby dan at mobileorchard.com
Tue Oct 20 04:26:20 CEST 2009

FYI: if you planning on attending my Beginning iPhone Programming  
class the last day to register with the early registration discount is  
Friday.  In Seattle and SF, the last two places I held the class, it  
filled up on the last "early bird" day.  It's $799 (down from $1200)  
if you get the early registration price and use the "python" discount  

On Oct 13, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Dan Grigsby wrote:

> Hi,
> It's Dan Grigsby of the iPhone dev community site Mobile Orchard.   
> This is an off-topic post, but I'm hoping my Minneapolis dev  
> community/python credentials are transferable to Portland.  Anyway:
> I'll be teaching the Mobile Orchard Beginning iPhone Programming  
> Workshop in Portland on November 13-13.  Class synopsis:  Python  
> programmer (or PHP, Ruby, Java or .NET) to iPhone programmer in two  
> days.
> Intensive two day class.  Leave with seven compact, but complete  
> iPhone apps that use Core Location, Core Data, navigation UIs,  
> shake, undo/redo, web services (actually, JSON from a Python App  
> Engine app) and hybrid web/native UIs. Memory management,  
> properties, protocols and categories exercises.  3.0SDK.  Small  
> class size, experienced instructor. From Mobile Orchard, the #1  
> iPhone developer news site and podcast.
> Details/registration:
> http://mobileorchard.com/training
> I'm part of Minneapolis' "PyMnTos" Python group.  And I run, help  
> run, or used to run or help-run the Minneapolis BarCamp, DemoCamp,  
> Ruby group and StartupCamp.  I'm hugely fond of local community  
> groups, and when I get folks active in these groups at the classes  
> they're invariable the kind that I like.  So I'm happy to knock a  
> couple of hundred bucks off the price; use the "python" discount  
> code.  With the discount code and early bird price the cost is $799,  
> down from the usual $1200.
> Hoping my good-standing and contributions to the dev, iPhone, and  
> startup communities offsets any feather-ruffling that me pitching  
> the class to the list might elicit.  In addition to keeping my kids  
> in new shoes and fruit snacks, the class generates the income that  
> enables work on the site and podcast full-time.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> dan at mobileorchard.com
> 612 423 3694
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