[portland] Looking for a place to stay for OS Bridge.

Brian Dorsey brian at dorseys.org
Mon Jun 15 00:24:59 CEST 2009

Hi everyone!

I've only made it down from Seattle for one meeting, but I'm going to
prey on your generosity anyway. ;)

Due to a late change in plans, I'm looking for a place to crash for
three nights this week (16th-18th). It'd be great if you're also
attending OS Bridge, but I'll happily accept anything. Couches, living
room floors, shared hotel rooms, all OK.

I'll be coming down by train, and will have a bike, but I probably
won't be able to get to places that need a car.

Picture of me here: http://briandorsey.info

If you don't have a spot, please forward on to other people you know. Thanks!

Take care,

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