[portland] Looking for Django help

Doug Carter dcarter at mercycorps.org
Fri Jun 5 17:12:23 CEST 2009

I'm in the same situation.

I'm new to Python and Django, but not programming or webapps. I'd
love to pair on some Django stuff with some experienced people. In
fact I'd be willing to donote my time to a project where I could
help out and learn at the same time.

Any Django people out there?


On Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 02:21:07PM -0700, Patrick Curtain wrote:
> Hi All!
> I'm looking for someone to pair up with me on a Pinax / Django /
> Python app I'm building.  Hopefully, you'll know django -cold- and can
> fill the gaps and help me push this thing through much quicker.
> If you're available during the day to work on this, all the better.
> Please reply off-list if possible.  :)
> Blessings!
> --p
> -- 
> Patrick Curtain,  Husband & Father  ( i also write software )
> http://www.patrickcurtain.com/                          360.521.9625
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