[portland] Interview about discovery and adoption of software tools

Adam Lowry adam at therobots.org
Tue Jul 14 01:58:25 CEST 2009

An friend from grad school is doing research on software development  
tools, and is looking for some people to be interviewed on how they  
adopt new programming tools. Emerson's done some very cool work around  
development tools, so consider volunteering an hour to participate.


Begin forwarded message:
> Investigating Discovery and Adoption of Software Tools
> You are invited to participate in a study on the discovery and  
> adoption of software tools. This study will help us determine when  
> and how programmers learn about new tools that assist them in  
> programming. We hope to use this knowledge to help design a tool  
> that helps programmers discover new tools.   Your participation is  
> important because the results of the study will help advance  
> scientific knowledge.
> We are looking for participants that program regularly in any  
> programming language.
> This study is being conducted by Dr. Emerson Murphy-Hill (emhill at cs.ubc.ca 
> ) and Dr. Gail Murphy (murphy at cs.ubc.ca).
> Participating in this study will take approximately 60 minutes of  
> your time in the form of a phone or Skype chat interview, at your  
> convenience. We hope to ascertain your experiences and opinions  
> about adopting new programming tools. This interview will be  
> recorded (audio in the case of telephone, all chat messages in the  
> case of Skype) and written notes will be taken.  We will anonymize  
> the collected data so that it does not contain any identifying  
> information. You will be identified by numbers or pseudonyms in any  
> written reports or publications. All data (on paper and electronic)  
> will otherwise be kept in locked rooms, locked filing cabinets, or  
> access-protected by password.
> If you are interested in participating please visit http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~emhill/interview/
> You are free to stop participating in the study at any time without  
> penalty.
> We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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